
The Revenue Department recently hosted the 3rd Annual “25 Years of Employment Luncheon” which also included 30 and 35 year honorees. This years midday soiree was held at the Pyramid Club, 1735 Market st, 52 Floor.  The view was breathtaking.  The club is sophisticated even with the “Buffet Style” service we enjoyed. The tables were completely set and our salads placed and waiting for us on our arrival.  The wait staff breezed around us clearing plates and filling glasses. The food pictured here was delightfully delicious.

The event is held each year to recognize members of the department that have achieved work history of a quarter of a century and beyond.  There were 19 honorees present.  They represented more than 500 years (collective) of service and knowledge.  With 26 years, already in the department (and counting), I  was both pleased and honored to be in attendance.